5 Reasons Why You Should Be Marketing Your Personal Brand In 2020
by Rudy on January 28, 2020 in Online Marketing

You undoubtedly know what branding is, and you’ve probably spent considerable time working on brand identity and brand awareness for your business. But have you thought about building your personal brand? That is, have you considered that your reputation, both online and offline, may now be just as important as the reputation of your business?
Read on to find out why it’s so important to market your personal brand as you start the new year.
#1 Because You Want to Convey the Real You

Google your name and see what pops up. Do you like what you see? Would you trust that person? Is there enough information for prospects to find out what you’re all about? If not, developing your personal brand can mean showing them your positive attributes, work experience, and expertise.
#2 Because Letting it Develop Organically Can Hurt Your Business
If you don’t focus on developing your personal brand, you may not be happy with the outcome. For example, you don’t want prospects to google your name and find that one bad review mentioning your name and nothing else. Plus, that’s the last thing you may want when the internet seems to hold on to information “forever.”

Instead, take an active role in developing your online (and offline) image. Put yourself out there on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media outlets. Make sure that when people Google you, they find what you intended them to find.
#3 You’ll Increase Your Credibility
Developing your own personal brand is imperative since your credibility will surely transfer to your business. Think about it this way: doesn’t your personal impression of a local businessman affect the way you view his business?
If your prospects check you out online and they find nothing but a random list of people who share your name, they may not think you’re trustworthy. However, if the results are varied articles, profiles, and social media accounts referencing you and your business, prospects will choose to trust in your track record.
#4 You’ll Increase Your Influence

A strong, visible personal brand inevitably increases your influence. When people know who you are and associate you with your line of work, they are more likely to come to you over your competition when they need help, information, or advice.
#5 Your Prospects Will Remember You
Developing your personal brand makes you more memorable. Whether people read an article about a speech you made at a local graduation ceremony, received your business card from you at a town meeting, or Googled your business and read all about your experience, you have increased the chances that they will remember you and feel comfortable with you. This is good for you and good for your business.
Dig Your Well Before You Are Thirsty
A strong personal brand is an asset that is easy to undervalue when times are good but proves its importance when times are a little leaner.
Dig your well before you are thirsty! Proactively develop and market your personal brand now so you can leverage it when it’s necessary.
Author: Rudy Labordus
Rudy Labordus is an Internationally acclaimed author, marketing strategist and speaker. He has been instrumental in helping launch and develop several multi million dollar businesses around Australia and excels in developing innovative, strategic and creative solutions that produce exceptional results for his clients.