Get More Client Referrals
by Rudy on January 2, 2019 in Customer Cultivation

street sale and people concept - happy customers queue at food truck
Want more client referrals? Here’s how!
Everyone is on the lookout for tips to get more client referrals for their business. However, as stated by some 58.6% of us don’t even ask for them! Customer referrals aren't something that appears just by wishing it so, but instead is the result of a definite, focused and consistently used system. Listed below are seven ways we’ve found to increase client referrals, and they are surprisingly quicker and easier than you might imagine!
7 Ways to Increase Client Referrals
1. Ask your best clients – These can be your best business evangelists. People who are already crazy about what you do won’t require much cajoling to sing your praises.
2. Offer incentives – Discounts, free stuff, upgrades or other rewards appropriate for your business are a good way to get people to offer client referrals.
3. Over-deliver on first-time customers – When you get a new customer, a great way to get them talking to their circle of contacts is to over-deliver to them. This can appear in a number of ways, but make sure they view your company as a cut above the rest.
4. Engage your customers – Find creative ways to engage with your customers and perhaps find a way you can benefit each other. The key is to get them talking, and being open to ideas. Create an online neighborhood for your customers, such as a blog or Facebook group.
5. Be grateful and hand out perks – Become great at saying “Thank You”, as well as in understanding when a well-placed perk will help you. A surprise gift card or a thank you note can work wonders.
6. Enlist your staff – Getting your employees in the game can boost your efforts. You will usually need to develop a way to reward results, nevertheless it can be very much worth the cost!
7. Create a loyalty program – A customer loyalty program, preferably online, will assist you to create enthusiasm and engagement. Reward interaction as well as purchases, because this could lead to more people becoming involved.
A solid client referral plan can take some effort, but can also result in a lot of new business pre-disposed to giving you a chance. What more can you ask?
Author: Rudy Labordus
Rudy Labordus is an Internationally acclaimed author, marketing strategist and speaker. He has been instrumental in helping launch and develop several multi million dollar businesses around Australia and excels in developing innovative, strategic and creative solutions that produce exceptional results for his clients.