Unique, Risk Free Lead Generation.
Guaranteed Results Or It's Free.

We'll Risk OUR Money To Grow Your Business!
What we’re doing is pretty unique and I get a lot of people asking me what’s the catch, so I’d like to explain a little about our exclusive Lead Generation Services program and who we are. Why ARE we risking our own money to help you grow your business?
It is very unique. Not many people put their money where their mouth is. But that’s exactly what we’re doing.
We’re going to help you grow your business, pay for the opportunity and we'll only get paid if we get results.
Sound good? So first of all, who are we?

Business professionals
Our lead generation services business is made up of very talented people from all over the world. I’ve personally been in sales and marketing for over 30 years and I’m in Perth, Australia.
We’ve got business managers, designers, marketing experts and professionals with experience in many different industries that all come together to really get the best quality leads for each of our clients. Under normal circumstances, if you were to hire any one of us individually, you’d pay hundreds per hour for our time. But you're not going to pay for us by the hour.
We help you grow your business
What we want to do is help you grow your business by getting you results and only charging you when you get results.
So it looks kind of like this; you run your business and you keep doing what you’re doing. But on top of what you’re doing, we’re going to send you some extra business and it will come without you lifting a finger. It’ll be icing on the cake.
All we want in return is to get a share of that extra income so we can find new ways of sending you more business. It’s a whole different, “risk free” way for you to grow your business.

Traditional methods too risky
When it comes to advertising in a normal business environment, you would have to think of an offer, write some copy, create an ad and pay for that ad to be seen – whether that’s a newspaper, a yellow pages ad, a radio ad or whatever. And then if you’ve done everything right you MIGHT get some calls, but if you don’t, you’ve just blown all that time and money and you got nothing.
Doing it the traditional way gives you no guarantees. And small business owners don’t want to gamble their money away with lead generation companies that may or may not work.
You get the full program. Free!
This is not some kind of automatic lead generation software nor is it some marketing automation or shared lead gen system. This is a real, hands on inbound marketing program where we spend our own money, time and energy manually driving qualified leads to your door through search engines and social networking. But of course there’s always a limit to how much time and money we can spend at any one time. We can only work with a small number of companies. You only have a rare window of opportunity for us to help you right now.
So bottom line – we risk our money to find the best way to get you new clients. This means if it doesn’t work, it’s our loss.

Here's what our Lead Generation
Process will do for you:
- Research your competitors
- Establish what your prospects are looking for
- Create an effective marketing strategy
- Write copy for blog posts, social media and ads
- Develop strategic marketing campaigns
- Create dedicated lead capture landing pages
- Ads on pay per click, social media channels and major sites
- Strategic content marketing
- Managing and monitoring the efficiency of campaigns
- No risk leads to increase your annual revenue
- All the above marketing efforts at no charge

Basically we do a lot of things to make your phone ring with customers who want your help RIGHT NOW. After we get your phone to ring, we measure and analyze the results. And we send you reports each month giving you a summary of what leads you got from our efforts.
It’s a great package of services that companies today pay thousands for. But it will cost YOU… absolutely nothing.
We get paid when you get results
The only time we want to get paid, is when you get results. So unless you get enquiries – it costs you nothing.
And remember, the result we give you is extra business. It's icing on the cake. So even if you gave us half of that “icing”, it’s half of something that you never had before. But we don’t want half – we only want a pre-agreed price per enquiry which then helps pay for the ads, creative and management. You keep any ongoing business you get from that client too and you don’t have to lift a finger to get it.
We just keep feeding you clients.

Full accountability
We’re going to give you an exclusive phone number that we’ll use in our advertising for your business. This is how we know what leads have come through our system.
Anyone that calls that number, gets automatically diverted – in real time – to your business number and it’s recorded along the way for quality and coaching purposes.
Tracking, monitoring and reporting is something we take very seriously. Giving you access to these reports is how you can see what specific leads were generated by us.
Full transparency and 24/7 access
We give you full and live access to the log files and recordings anytime you want, day or night, 7 days a week. This helps you see how well your staff manage calls and you can also see how many calls we’re sending you. This by itself is a great management tool that you get absolutely free.
You'll also receive an email each time a call is diverted to your business via our Lead Generation Services system.
Plus of course your phone will ring with a new prospect!

Exclusive – no competition
We’re going to give you access to our Lead Generation Services program where we generate leads for your business exclusively.
Exclusive, because we don’t want to deal with your competitors.
All our efforts need to be focused on one business in your industry and I’m hoping that will be you.
Lead Generation Summary
Our flagship digital team are experts in search engine optimization, lead management and online lead generation, driving a consistent flow of high quality inbound leads and potential customers right to your front door.
We take all the risk, we pay all the bills. If your phone doesn’t ring, you pay nothing. If we help you get some of that “icing on the cake” – you simply agree to give us a pre-agreed cost per lead so we can re-invest that into getting you more clients.
* We've found a price per enquiry is a much simpler and cleaner way for us to manage invoicing rather than a percentage of new business. That way we don’t need to get inside your accounting data and it's more fair since we can't control how you deal with the enquiry beyond the initial call.

Lead Gen Services – Limited opportunity
You should be seeing this page because you were invited, which means we’re looking for someone in your industry right now. In each city we guarantee to only work with one company in each of our target industries. That means ALL our effort, time and money for your industry ends up focused 100% on your business.
All our lead generation services are initially focused in the home handyman or home maintenance area. Industries such as carpet cleaners, electricians, locksmiths, pest control, plumbers, removalists, painters, gardeners, solar panels and so on.
If you found this page and you weren't invited, or you're simply not sure if we can help, please ask. Simply leave your details below and either myself or one of the team will give you a call back tomorrow and answer any other questions you might have.
I look forward to working with you.
FAQ – Lead Generation Services
You need results. It would kill the whole concept of getting paid after we get results because you wouldn't be getting results. We want hundreds of these industry pockets working successfully so we can generate an ongoing lasting income stream. We rely on your success for us to be a success.
We'll both be monitoring calls very closely until a pattern is established. Once that pattern is established a spike in calls will draw attention to itself and all it would take to review the quality of the calls is for someone to listen to the recorded calls.
The real value of a client goes well beyond the first sale. Aside from some extreme cases, most businesses rely on repeat business or growth by referral. It's rare that a new customer only provides a one-of sale followed by a dead end. To appreciate the value of a new client, you need to consider what the “life time value” of a client is. This is different for each industry, but let's take a common industry as an example.
- Hairdressers: Mary wants a haircut so she calls June who is a hairdresser. Mary books in a haircut which costs her $150. Now we could stop the story there, but in all reality, if June does her job well, she would book Mary in for her next cut straight away and turn Mary into a regular client. Mary will now come back every 6 weeks, spending $1,300 over the next 12 months. In general, people stick with the same hairdresser for around 3 years before moving house or changing hairdresser. So Mary as a new client is worth more like $3,600 to June. In all reality June should be happy to give us 100% of that first sale, but that aside, if we agreed on 30% of that first sale ($50) does it really matter if there were costs in providing that initial service?
In any event the 30% figure is simply a guide to get conversation started. It's not ‘set in stone' and in all reality some industries will need a lot more work on our part to get a client than others, so the percentage will inevitably be different for everyone.
We spend a lot of time and money on the initial setup of our relationship. We set up web sites (lead funnels), tracking phone numbers, create several ads, and do quite a bit of work for each business to help the phone ring. We pay for all that, but naturally it takes quite a bit of time and money to set up each one of these, so we just need to be sure that there is enough turnover coming in for each client (and we get enough margin) to help recover that setup cost.
We know we can get you business – but if you only want one or two enquiries per week, then the money you make from us is tiny and the share of that money we make is even tinier.
Here's some quick maths:
To set you up, we'll invest in the order of around $3,000 – $5,000 of our own money – plus after that we'll spend money every week on advertising, ad creation and management.
A basic startup relationship would be one where we provide you with at least an extra $2000 per week of new business of which $700 – $1000 per week comes back to us so we can re-invest it in driving you more leads. Of that $700 – $1000 per week, we would throw half back into management and further advertising costs and the other half would go to paying back setup costs and eventually future profit.
At that rate it may take up to 3 months for us to recover our setup costs, but after that, we'll have a workable and proven system that generates income for both of us every week. It's a win-win for us both where you never have to worry about your advertising costs running away from you. You're only ever paying if and when you get results.
If you have a business that can take on more clients, we would simply add more media channels, more dollars and more time into generating more leads for you.
So I guess the bottom line is what kind of numbers are you looking for? And can you manage the call volume? If your average sale is $200, you'll need to be able to manage an extra 10 bookings per week to make you eligible for our program. If you need 15 enquiries to make 10 bookings, then you will need to also consider the time it takes to talk to 15 new people each week. Do those numbers sound realistically manageable for you?
There's a lot of people who ‘think' they can do this. In the US there are some very large companies like Service Magic or Home Advisor that offer lead generation services but they sell each enquiry to a number of companies to compete for the business – which doesn't work out too well for most businesses. In fact with each lead, every business except one loses out. I don't like those odds.
What we do is a little different. We take on a client one-on-one. Like an ad agency would take on a client. We manage and nurture the relationship and help that company grow – but instead of laying huge invoices on the table for our services which you would pay “in the hope” our work might have an impact – we pay those invoices ourselves and take on all the risk, and only charge if and when we get results. We have to be either really stupid or really confident to offer this.
In my years I've learned that it's more enjoyable walking alongside business owners rather than working for them. It's like walking with a friend – you never have to be suspicious of their motives. Who would you rather work with? Someone who just wants to get paid for a job (contractor) or someone who gets money when you get money (partner). Who do you think will have your best interest at heart?
We can work with anyone looking to attract online business, but if you're asking specifically about who we trade our time for (where we pay for everything) it's typically the kind of business that has a low base cost, a high profit margin or someone who can get a lot of ongoing business from one client and doesn't worry so much about the profit made from the first sale.
So for example the companies we find are the best fit for our lead generation services are companies that charge for their time as opposed to companies that only sell product.
There's just more room to negotiate a ‘per lead' remuneration (which can vary from $40 to $200+ per enquiry), depending on how hard it is to find clients for that type of business. Remember a lot of that needs to go back into our program where we spend the money to find more clients (and we only get paid for results, and yes occasionally we spend more than we charge – but that's life).
So for example a locksmith may pay $40 per enquiry where they close 1 in 2 enquiries and make $200 on a sale, where a roofer may pay $200 per enquiry where they close in 1 in 5 enquiries but make $5000 per sale.
An online ecommerce site may only make $10 – $50 per sale and they may need 10 hits to their site before someone buys something, so the per enquiry budget would be tiny in comparison and just wouldn't give us enough wriggle room to throw enough of our skillset behind it.
See what other professionals are saying ...
Rudy delivers amazing quality products and provides simple messaging for complex businesses.

George Bauk
Northern Minerals
Rudy's vast experience and knowledge is an invaluable asset to any organisation.

James Symons
PC Locks
A massive amount of marketing knowledge that has helped my company in the past.

Steve Annells
ERI Global
If you want strategy, direction and results Rudy can help.

Nik Gall
Propeller Brands
Rudy worked within our budget and gave us innovative and attention grabbing ideas. We consider him to be our marketing 'partner’.

Liz Fu
We increased our vote by around 50%! The result was the best and most professional campaign AC has ever been involved in.

Dwight Randall
Australian Christians
"After 35 years helping local and national businesses across Australia reach their full potential, and with over 20 million dollars invested in advertising and marketing campaigns, Rudy is the perfect leader to launch Customers and help many more businesses across Australia learn how to double and triple the growth of their business." More about Rudy Labordus....

As you grow your business with us, we'll help you discover who your ideal customers are, attract more of them and cultivate your customers by nurturing them and expanding their numbers. We'll show you what strategies, tactics and resources to look out for, PLUS how to analyse and measure results for controlled growth.

CEO and Founder

Questions? We can help!
Ask about how we can help you grow your business. Our highly trained consultants are standing by, ready to help.