How Blogging Attracts New Customers to a Business

by Rudy on January 1, 2019 in Customer Cultivation

Behind Counter

Keeping New Faces in the Store with Blogging

Blogging, like social media, has become important to marketing a business. Do not fall behind as advertising continues to evolve.

Search Engine Optimization Assistance

Whether you are advertising and marketing a local business or a national corporation, you want to be on Page 1 of Google. Over 90% of traffic coming out of Google originates from the first page of results, so Page 2 simply is not an option. Thankfully, blogging increases your online presence, backlinks, and helps in a variety of other ways to increase your organic reach and land near the top on search engines. This means more people see you, and more people will come in.

Present Customers Become Ambassadors

One of the best benefits of having a blog is the fact that you may create easily shareable content to publish on your social media pages. The trick here is to ensure that your information is actually useful. If you sell swimming pools, a nice blog post titled, “Everything You Need for an Amazing Summer Vacation” would likely do well for your company. If a blog post is useful your followers will share it, and this equates to more eyes on your content.

Showcase Yourself as an Industry Thought Leader

Blogging is a form of inbound marketing, and this means customers are basically seeking you out as opposed to you going after them. If they are looking for information and find it on your small company blog, you suddenly become a informed resource for them. This can set you up as a sector thought leader, and people are far more likely to do business with someone they trust than someone they do not even know.

Just like social media marketing, blogging is becoming less of an option and more of a necessity. Avoid getting left behind.

Author: Rudy Labordus

Rudy Labordus is an Internationally acclaimed author, marketing strategist and speaker. He has been instrumental in helping launch and develop several multi million dollar businesses around Australia and excels in developing innovative, strategic and creative solutions that produce exceptional results for his clients.