Did you know that you can use Facebook for business?
I'm referring to what's known as Facebook Workplace, the business only solution from Facebook that's designed to help businesses increase communication and collaboration and make getting more work done easier and more efficient.
You're obviously very familiar with the Facebook tool or a social media platform for personal use, given that it's by far the largest social media platform on the planet and just about everybody has an account at this point.
However, if you're not aware of Facebook Workplace yet, the idea is that you can take advantage of Facebook's incredible social media platform’s capabilities to increase your communication with your team in a work environment as well.
Facebook Workplace was released a few years ago, pretty quietly, but it's had a very strong success in the marketplace already and is now getting more attention.

In fact, Facebook Workplace now has more than 2 million users according to the recent announcements from Facebook and has many more free user are taking advantage of their Facebook subscription or from nonprofit and educational institutions, which Facebook doesn't charge.
Why would you use Facebook Workplace at your business? There are five main reasons.
The first is instant communication anywhere.
Just like you can use Facebook personally to connect with any of your contacts and friends no matter where they are on the planet, you can do the same with Facebook Workplace with your team.
This includes live video broadcast, voice and video calls, and of course, text-based communication either from a desktop or a mobile device. As long as you're connected to the internet, you can use Facebook Workplace to communicate with your team in any of those formats very efficiently.
In addition, Facebook Workplace also includes a translation capability, making it easier for you to translate or to communicate to teammates no matter what country they're in, and no matter what language they speak.

The second major benefit of Facebook Workplace is an easy collaboration on projects.

The Facebook platform has always done a great job of bringing people together in groups around common interests and that's exactly what Facebook Workplace will do for your work environment.
You can take advantage of Facebook groups as well as share files, videos or anything else that you want to share with your team, including doing screen sharing. So if you have something on your computer screen that you'd like to share with your team, you can do that as well.
All of these features combine to make collaborating on projects much more efficient and increase communication.
Tool Integration
The third major benefit is integration with existing tools.

Facebook Workplace obviously has competition majorly from Slack and Microsoft. In order to be competitive against those options, Facebook knows that it has to integrate Facebook Workplace with the other tools that you're already using at your business so that it's seamless to integrate it with your existing workflows and communication.
Facebook has established dozens of integrations with very common and popular tools and is constantly adding more to the mix.
The fourth major reason to consider Facebook Workplace is it's very affordable.

It's less than half the cost per user of Slack at just $3 per active user per month. That's a very affordable price point that makes it a viable option for any type of business to use to increase their communication and collaboration.
The ROI of effective communication is easily more than $3 per employee per month.
No learning curve

The sixth and final reason that we think that you should consider Facebook Workplace to help you increase communication and collaboration with your team is that there's almost no learning curve.
Just about everybody knows how to use Facebook already, and it's very common with the interface and the capabilities. When you go into Facebook Workplace you'll find a very, very similar interface and very similar features that will make you feel right at home.
You and your employees will be able to start taking advantage of the many features immediately with virtually no training and no learning curve.
That's five reasons to consider Facebook Workplace to increase the communication and collaboration at your business.
We highly recommend that you take a look because we think that Facebook Workplace maybe soon become the leader in team communication and collaboration tools.
Author: Rudy Labordus
Rudy Labordus is an Internationally acclaimed author, marketing strategist and speaker. He has been instrumental in helping launch and develop several multi million dollar businesses around Australia and excels in developing innovative, strategic and creative solutions that produce exceptional results for his clients.